Sunday, March 5, 2017

Continuous Find For Genres

Hello happy readers!

Now that we know what genre we are going to pursue, there are a few more things I need to narrow down to start getting this ball rolling. As I mentioned in my previous posting, there are many types of sub-types of Drama. As Asher and I explored the list, there were a few that we were interested in creating. Our top two were Melodrama and Comedy-drama. 

We thought Melodrama would be something that would be fun conducting, however, after looking more into it we decided to toss it.
"Melodrama Films are a sub-type of drama films, characterized by a plot to appeal to the heightened emotions of the audience. Melodrama, a combination of drama and melos (music), literally means "play with music."
Making our film a Melodrama would not do justice for representing our style. It is not the type of film I am looking to promote because it involves too much focus on music, unrealistic pathos-filled plot, and relies on primarily a female audience. For many reasons, this is not going to work. Some of the main reasons are because we want to make our film absolutely realistic and an audience for both men and women. 

A comedy-drama is something that we also seemed interested in. We looked into a few and our main example for a comedy-drama is The Edge of Seventeen.

We both enjoyed this film and thought it was a really great representation of high school students and teens in general. It has many awkward comedic aspects to it that are attractive, but it requires an acquired humor, that truthfully, Asher and I do not really possess. This type of drama usually relies on the humor to draw in the audience and create an outlet for them, inducing laughter. Another convention of this sub-type is that they usually have a happy ending, and we have not decided if that is what we want. We also wanted our film to be much more serious and intense, which is not a characteristic of comedy-drama. So, possibly the only convention we would adapt from the Edge of Seventeen is the very accurate representation of the film. But other than that, we are also ruling out this sub-type of Drama. 

So at this point in time, we are sticking with a pure Drama genre for our film promotion. We think this is the best bet for us because it contains the serious aspects we want. Until we discover another sub-type or genre, we are keeping this as our main point of focus.

Talk to you all soon! 

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